Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nifty 8450 Call Option.....Chart with Levels

Magic Numbers

Nifty trend will be based on 8450 call option level ......read and understand.....

Interpretation is more important.....

Tomorrow - we are prepared

Confirmation Level One

Confirmation Level Two

Tomorrow market will move as per this levels....

Since...Tomorrow is Expiry................we will have solid opportunity for sure...

3587 to be watched out

3609 reached...... and................thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...3587 level to be watched out.....

Take care....


Crude our Bang Friends are going to Rock........

Take Care....

Wowwwwwwwww -8450 call option Hit our 42

Our Nifty 8450 Call Option hit our 2nd Level 42.................nicely....


We are on

We are on let us watch 42 ......