Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Crude Hit 4001

Crude hit our targat 4001...

மய்யத்துல... ஒத்தைல நிக்கப்போறானாம்

Market tomorrow.

My take...buy on dip...

Any change...will inform...

Check and do analysis at your end...


ஆறாம் அறிவு செய்யும் வேலை

15,665. Number of just died at lake. They come every winter to as visitors. You blame illegal , or but that is how disasters happening with other species. We are increasing it.

மொழிக்கும், அறிவுக்கும் சம்பந்தமே இல்ல

Corruption... corruption... corrruption...

A simple case of legalising corruption, thru which benefited with 95% donations. Parliament lied to, misled, opinion of opposition parties ignored to make electoral bonds legal. Second part of chilling expose.


November 11800 call...if takes out resistance...

Then...solid upmove is visible in Nifty

Let us enter nifty long...if call closes above our resistance...

Yellow based on price action... price action is below yellow..

Let us see..

Bank Nifty 31000 call

Weekly settlement levels for reference...


Reliance solid breakout..... and good move...

Patience and knowledge always rewards...

Both Bank Nifty and reliance....lime light today...

Superb- Reliance also hit target

Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty trend established (oneside trend) after 12th November....and moved nicely...

31300 call hit 209

31300 call option hit 209 without any hurdle..

Entry at 144....hit 209...