Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Today reversal is based on, daily price action - hourly sequence change...

As such no reversal in call.....call option breakdown sell is continuing...

If, put initiates, sure short.... call may reverse sharply...

As such.... Gupta is happy (next level call short position)...

Nymex Crude

Nymex crude previous extra ordinary price move...normalised now..

Trend is buy on dip... again it may go near to 110 level....

Check MCX chart and act....



நீங்கள் பணம் சம்பாதிக்க முடியும் என்று நீங்கள் நம்பவில்லை என்றால், You won't....


Just...Believe you can....

Gupta and Gold...

 Solid move 750 point up... 

Apr 12, 21:52
52912.00 733.00 (1.40%)


Details posted....

Check and act....

Please check the Risk / Reward....


Gold is moving upside as expected...

1st level 1997.80...


Mr.Dean....also en cashed sequence change... in Nifty 17600 call...



Tomorrow...any deep cut.... my take will be buy...

Let us decide tomorrow.....

Bata India

Booked loss ..exited @ 29.80....


Gupta says

Bought Bata India 2100 call option @ 32.60 and holding...

17900 call short

Booked @ 2.60.....


Gupta says

Booked  Loss and exited @ 49.90

and sold 17900 call @ 39.80 and holding....👍👍👍👍👍

37800 call option

Gupta sequence change ......late entry...still good....

Sheetal and Gupta entered early at 124.90....


Gold...buy and hold....

Waiting for solid up move...

Chart is self explanatory...

Natural Gas

Marching towards 7.350...