Saturday, February 8, 2014

Long and Successful Trading Career - My Thoughts

These days, everybody is coming to the market thinking that they will make quick money with out understanding the basic things.   This is happening due to wrong guidance and lack of awareness. 

I am trading in this market since from 1988 without loosing my confidence and with learning as a process till today.

Definitely I have lost money (to develop my knowledge) in the earlier days of trading.  It took 5 years to me to understand the market, till that time I was learning with experimental trading at least 2 year in the beginning.  Learned so many things and developed my own skill to sustain in the Market. 

Trading is a process, we have to first develop the knowledge, instead of start trading and loosing money.   As per as my concern it takes 3 to 4 years to be a better trader in this market to make consistent money.  If you are not ready to wait for the learning curve, my sincere advice, better leave trading and concentrate with productive things instead of wasting time and money.  

Moreover, I believe market will give money if you catch the right opportunity.   Making good money you don’t need years, down the line within a span of  1 year you can make good money, but, we have to wait till our turn.

Even in developed countries still traders are struggling to make money because everybody is depending on some system like….” buy/sell signal, auto trade, robot trade and mechanical system…etc..etc..etc”

I will through a challenge,  every thing will make you fail, if you doesn’t understand / develop your own trading skill. Systems will never generate money for you.

 Nobody can make money overnight without knowledge.

Ask yourself following  questions -

-         Why big Corporates are not able to make money ?
-         Did you think, without any basic work, market will accept you / give you money ?
-         Did you think, winning a trade is that much easy task ?
-         Did you think, each and every move will you able to make money ?
-         Why big broking houses are not able to generate wealth for there clients,  claiming that there trading calls are good ?
-         If there is auto system, why broking offices are running business for brokerage ?
-         If there an auto system exists in this market, why we have to study and go for a job ?
-         Why Big and Successful trader like Mr.Rakesh Jhunjhunwala not following any autotrade system, did you think he doesn’t have money to buy a system ?
-         Did you think making money is “THAT MUCH EASY” ?

Conclusion :  Study the market at least 1 or 2 years before start trading.
          Learn and develop the knowledge about Trading.
                      Don’t Depend any mechanical system / auto trading system or other external force.

                      Take responsibility for you trade, don’t blame any system or others, you are              
                      responsible your trade either loss or profit.

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