Thursday, August 1, 2024



Don't compete

The wise man doesn't compete, therefore nobody can compete with him..😎😎

    - Lao tzu...


Geetha says

Next few days....avoid longs

No panic... just a "Red Flag"

Enjoy the nature and its creations...

Professor Feynman

Read books every day....  your mind will be free and positive...😎😎

1) Understanding is more important than memorization. 2) Learn principles, not formulas. 3) Ask questions. 4) Read Books every day. 5) Teaching is a powerful tool to learning.

Sheetal says

ONGC final target near 353...


Superb Sheetal

10% up....    💜💜💜💜  

Waiting for 378....


Sheetal says

Next rally on the cards...