Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Change your environment

Talk positive / think positive and be with positive environment


Be unique

Don't worry about the society... 

Society .. fools paradise... 😂😂😂

Follow the nature, walk alone and never ever follow the crowd... 😎😎

Theory of nature

Be unique.... live unique.... 😎😎


Be a free thinker...

Evaluate everything...

Cheers...    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhHawiDfS08

Be a free thinker. Don't accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in.


Waiting for the entry confirmation....

Big move is on the card...

Let us enter at the appropriate time...

Sheetal has to confirm the entry...


No positional view...

Follow the Geetha's reversal pattern level and trade...


Sheetal says

Buy and Hold.... 😎😎


Gupta says

Holding the position... (minimum lot)

Today... entered 25100 call option and encashed 32 points.... double the qty...



Gupta says



Gupta says

Sold limited qty at 141.80...

Will hold...


Professor Feynman

Make it... enjoy..... 💜💜😎

You do not find a happy life. You make it.