Friday, January 10, 2025

New Legislation - violence against women

டேய் சீமான்... உன்னை போன்ற ஆபாச / காம  பொறுக்கிகளுக்குத்தான் இந்த சட்டம்...@seeman4tn

Tamil Nadu Govt brings in new legislation to curb violence against women; 1. Harassing a woman will lead to jail term of 5 year. Any ‘conduct or act via digital or electronic means that causes intimidation, fear, shame or embarrassment’ brought under the definition of Harassment. 2. Provision to prohibit the accused from attempting to communicate with the survivors. 3. Stringent conditions for bail. 4. A convict upon appeal in rape / gang rape cases shall not be released for six months (time period for appeal) by suspension of sentence. 5. No anticipatory bails in cases of gang rape, rape by a person in authority.

Retail Investor - nicely screwed

Mami... where is the Shock absorver now....

Gone for repair ????


Mental Seeman

இவரை தெரியல... இவர்தான் ஈழத்து அதிபர்...


Volatility reversal not yet confirmed...



Downside swing turn.... not yet confirmed....



Volatility swing turn ... yet to happen...




Volatility swing may turn...
