Thursday, August 25, 2016

Important Analysis - Nifty Next Month Trend

In the right time....Important Analysis of  Nifty will be sent to all....

After getting other confirmation....I will share the information to everyone...

Till then....just Hang on....

Good Lessons

Always move with positive and experience people....

Experience is priceless.....


Next Opportunity......will update thru' Hangout.....or Email...

The above message is not a tips or not asking anyone to follow us..

We are not a tips providers....


Tomorrow Maruti Option in my opportunity list...

Take Care......Do your Homework and be prepared....

Destination is More Important

Always listen and obey your inner voice and move on.....

Don't waste, putting time on others view and others opinion in your life...

Don't waste. time on ....what others are doing ......

Don't waste time importance to unnecessary characters...

Don't try to convince anyone....and Don't try to prove yourself to others....not necessary...

Respect everyone with the above rule....

Enjoy your life and give respect your happiness...Life is full of joy.......

My Destination is just "Be Happy"

Infosys - Have Patience

Infosys....still...I don't believe bottom confirmation as such...

Yesterday move may be because of Rollover trapping..... level says...I will never ever enter into Infosys....

I am least bothered what fundamental says and others opinion.......

My view and my level is final for one else ! ! ! ! !

Let us have patience...till we will get opportunity....

The above message is not a is observation and for knowledge purpose.....

Good Settlement Day

Today, again solid expiry day...enjoyed....

Fantastic opportunities....

Enjoyed todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......

Solid Double - 8650 Put Option - Our Next Opportunity is finished

Again one More Rich (more than Doubling) Trade Opportunity

Nifty 8650 Put moved from 10.80 to straight 30.........

Go and check my previous post.....

This is our homework and we know what we are doing....

We never bark....we do.....

Our Next Opportunity

Our Next on the way...........

No Free Lunch.....

8600 call hit our Target - Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

This is called Rich Trade

We never trade like a beggar on selling option....

Our level suggested to sell at 81.20 and bottom target is 61.10.....achieved....

Trade like a professional and not like a beggar....

We have guts to post (today it is free lunch post for timepass viewers) in advance..........taking 20 point in Nifty  is a peanut (timepass) trade for us...

Hope all our friends enjoyed the trade.....

Valid Information

Valid and powerful information "Identified" by Mr.Boomi Nathan...Good Analysis...

Powerful Trend Move Soon based on that information...

Let us do further analysis to validate the move...

Thank You....

ONGC - Keep in your List

ONGC call option is dancing nicely.......keep in your today's list...

Take Care....

8600 Call - Keep Trailing S/l

Nifty 8600 call (sold at 81.10) and 1st Supres Level 70.40 and next 61.20...

Either book profit or keep trailing s/l.....

Enjoy.............and Be happy...

Jai Shri Krishna

ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ண ஜெயந்தி நல்வாழ்த்துகள்

கிருஷ்ணரின் பிறந்தநாளை கொண்டாடும் அனைத்து மக்களுக்கும் இனிய கிருஷ்ண ஜெயந்தி நல்வாழ்த்துகள்