Monday, December 26, 2022

💜💜 💜💜

In the learning curve

No Ego.... be flexible.... try to capture/learn as much as possible... goal is to grow together....No Ego.



Market is moving based on normal correction..... 

If you feel.... it is a crash... you are a fool...

Just follow the sequence bottom / top reversal and trade...

Mind it .... if you compare with 2003 ... market is trading at 5x... range...... so... this is a normal correction...


Let us focus swing bottom and swing top..

Professsor Feynman

"Train your mind to think.................  Grow..... 👊👊👊

Educate yourself about things. Study hard what interests you the most. Don't worry about what others think of you, that's none of your business. Train your mind to think, doubt, and question. That's how you grow. 🧠

Sheetal says

Why 3x .... it has moved 5x.... En cashed...

Wonderful Sheetal............. congrats...

All because of, your learning / efforts / analysis / homework and application of knowledge.... keep it up.....

Fantastic analysis...


3x Move

In our next 3x move opportunity....

Sheetal may check and confirm.....


18800 Finnifty call from 22 to 213....... final top hit....


Geetha has booked 42700 call at 189.40....entered at 82.40... (high formed 396 after hit 189.40 within 10 minutes).... what a move...

This is called bottom reference point reversal....



Put option....1st candle moved in sell trend.... inside the reference point.... same time... call option initiated "Buy"..... moved from 23 to 93........

What else... you want ?....

நீங்கள் வாய்ப்புகளை தவறவிட்டால்..... நீங்கள் சரியாக பார்க்கவில்லை என்று தான் அர்த்தம்.... Don't blame the market....

மார்க்கெட் சரியான பாதையில்தான் ..மேலும் கீழும் செல்கிறது.....சரியான வாய்ப்புகளை தருகிறது..... . Cheers


Balance 25% booked 76.80.....

Hope, it may validate 108.90 (4x top)...  



Finnifty 18800 call entered at 22.60 and booked profit @ 65.80..

Booked 75% position.... balance 25% keeping target 74.60 with trailing s/l...

Almost 2x per our review...

Thanks to Sheetal for her reference point........ 


The setup was well expected.....💜💜💜💜

மிக மிக சிம்பிள் செட்டப் டுடே..... இதை விட மிக சுலபமான trade கிடைக்கவே கிடைக்காது... 

சிஷ்யன் னோட எல்லாம் level லும் buy  குடுத்திருக்கு...

ஷீத்தல் reference பாயிண்ட் 34 ....low 44 .... now டிரேடிங் at 135 .... 

If you would have done home work.... you should have en cashed it today...

No one can help you, if you are not prepared with your homework... 

No regrets... if you are not do your work with continuous follow up of price action.... you have to blame yourself, if you are not traded today.....


Papa  booked profit at 149.80... Bank Nifty 42600 call option .entered at 56.80...

Congrats well as Sishyan

Sishyan entered at 62.30 and exited at 128.80.....


Finnifty 18800 call entered at 22.60 and booked profit @ 65.80..

Booked 75% position.... balance 25% keeping target 74.60 with trailing s/l...

Almost 2x per our review...

Thanks to Sheetal for her reference point........ 


Gupta says

Based on review... 

He says.... 3x ~ 5x move may be on the cards in option...

Which side...... ?

Hope, Sheetal may send you review details .... please do homework and be prepared.....