Friday, March 1, 2024


Let us time pass tomorrow.. 👇👇👇

There will be a total of two special live trading sessions conducted by the stock market tomorrow, the timings for which are 9:15 am to 10 am and 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.


Take Decision...

Be firm...

Move on...

எல்லை மீறினால் மட்டுமே வளர்ச்சி...

Market - follows the science

Science is a way of life..

Science plays a crucial role in our everyday lives...

All matters in the universe just functioning based on science... 

Gupta says

Holding the put option short.... will book profit near 138.65...


Gupta says

Sold March Month end 22050 Put Option at 259.80 and holding..


Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty future, March series first day closing ... well above 46829... (weekly closing)..

""""   Mark this level 46829   """"



This made my day. She’s willing to help when she’s barely surviving.

Gupta says

Sold March Month end 22050 Put Option at 259.80 and holding..



Finnifty index ... love'ly move..

Yesterday, Finnifty 20700 Put Option... initiated sell and today 20800 call option moved from 38 to 120 and 20700 put option fallen from 210 to 115...

This the structure analysis......  thanks to Sheetal and Geetha for the co-ordination.

20700 Put Option chart is self explanatory 👇👇👇

The day is over....


Finnifty 20800 Call option hit the target 98.90....😊😊💜💜



Finnifty 20800 call option holding above 36.80...


Finnifty 20800 call option holding above 36.80...