Monday, June 21, 2021


Nifty 15826 in future.... will act as stiff resistance..

No positional view...

Let us go by swing levels....


Keep it up

Good trade friend...

Keep it up..... keep learning...

Perfect 💜💜💜💜



If you have data for S & P... check the chart in amibroker at your end...

Swing reversal is on dot...


No position....

Congrats friend


No sequence

15600 both call and put.... trading near the mid wait for the bottom sequence setup....either put or call...

Will post my views in the hangout.... if setup initiates...

Till then ... no naked option buying strategy.......

இன்னைக்கு நிறைய  பேரு  யோகி ஆகிட்டாங்கோ... என்னடான்னு கேட்டா... யோகா பண்றாங்கலாமாம்...... அடுத்த வியாபாரம்.... விளங்கிடும்....

Namma அப்படியே Cycle ஓட்டிகிட்டே relax  பண்ணுவோம்....

16000 call short follow up

Booked profit at 129.80.....



Sold 1 lot 16000 July call option @ 163....