Monday, May 8, 2023

Gupta says

Entered Crude 6000 call option at 144 and holding...


Buy on dip....


Watch Finnifty 19300 strike price... 1st candle confirm the trend....


Gupta says... holding physical gold... he may off load near 2140 level.... 

Upside visible 2183 in Dollar Terms...

CMP 2024..


Use swings and trade till Thursday...

Congrats Gupta

Crude booked profit at 169..

Again will buy near 121....


Gupta says

Entered Crude Oil 6000 call option at 132... keeping target 169

Gupta says

Entered Crude Oil 6000 call option at 132... keeping target 169

Gupta says

Entered ITC 440 call option at 4.90 and holding...

43500 call

Crossed 173.40..

42800 call

Just obeyed our bottom and trading near 624 💙💙


Bank Nifty

42800 Call option chart is self explanatory...


Perfect Geetha....

Congrats Da Gupta

Gupta entered Siemens at 3664 and booked at 3688....

Breakout entry.....


Just obeyed our level....


Finnifty 19100 call option

Chart is self explanatory.

Nifty Future

Range for the week 18047 ~ 18443....


Finnifty 19200 call hit 134.... 

Enjoy Geetha....


Congrats Geetha

Booked Finnifty 19200 call option (50% position) at 98.60

Balance 50% ...keeping target 134... with trailing s/l....

Congrats Papa...💜💜💜💜

Hindustan Unilever ...

Looking for 2539 ah papa ...................

Finnifty 19200 call

1st opportunity doubling is over in Finnifty 19200 call option reversed from 58 and high formed 124...

Gupta has entered at 64 and exited at 108.90...

Geetha entry was late....she missed the entry at 59.... (மார்க்கெட்டுக்கு கரெக்ட் டைம்ல வரணும் பாப்பா 😂😂)...


Next week

I am anticipating two chances to double. as per levels... no assumptions..

Congrats Geetha

Booked Finnifty 19200 call option (50% position) at 98.60

Balance 50% ...keeping target 134... with trailing s/l....

Congrats Papa...💜💜💜💜

Professor Feynman

Exactly... not necessary to remain the same person you were a year ago...💜💜💜💜

You're under no obligation to remain the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago. You are here to create yourself, continuously.