Friday, November 17, 2023

Geetha Says

Entered MIDCP 9400 Put Option at 12.30 and holding...


Geetha says... booked loss .. exited at 0.90


Geetha says

Entered ONGC 205 call option at Rs.1.50 and holding...


Gupta says

Holding, Bank Nifty 43800 Put Option....entered at 298....


Sheetal says

The bottom for Bank Nifty call options has not yet been formed. 

The price action is establishing a foundation for the next significant upward movement. 

Please be patient...


Bank Nifty Culprit

Geetha.... you are the culprit... 

புல்ஸ் எல்லாம் பாவம் பாப்பா...

இப்ப  சந்தோசமா ? 😊😊 கருநாக்கு... 



You are cause for the consolidation/troublesome movement of Bank Nifty....😊😊

PCBL flying

Love'ly Da Gupta.................CMP 244.... da....



Gupta says

Bought PCBL  (Philip Carbon Black Ltd) at 218.80 - 2000 shares...

Will hold for target 265+  

This is purely buy and hold trade....  investment trade...

Cheers....congrats da Gupta...

The future is brighter


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