Friday, February 3, 2023

Nymex Crude is bleeding

CMP 73.89.

Ultimate bottom level 71.80...

Let us see...


Nymex Crude

As such sell on rally trend is continuing....


Nymex crude is bleeding

Falling from 79.80...

CMP 76.61...

May test 71.80.... let us see...

Sheetal says

Bank Nifty Future may test  42885  next week.....on going swing top...

Nifty Future may test  18211  next week.....on going swing top...

Use swing reversal levels and try to follow the call option setups...

Next week,  sure 3 doubling opportunities are on the cards...

Do your home work and be prepared to catch the next week moves...


Professor Feynman

Quote : "If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong"....  

💜💜 People fail in financial market, because, no one is following the validated price action theory, if you have experimented price action theory and trade, 100% you can make money in financial market....  science /maths never ever fails....    

இயற்கை சீரற்றது, ஆனால், ஒரு கணக்கியல் கோட்பாட்டோடு  இயங்கிக்கொண்டு இருக்கிறது...  

Professor Feynman 💜💚💙💘

It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.


Gold chart is self explanatory....

Third level 1871 may test...

Reversal may happen next such weak....

Lovely, price action...........


Rejection..... fallen from 1918 to 1876...



Breakout formation - Rejection...

Chart is self explanatory.... wait for confirmation...


Deep correction may not happen in S&P as per EURUSD chart...


Nasdaq monthly pattern also suggesting the same...


Breakout formation - Rejection...

Chart is self explanatory.... wait for confirmation...

Gupta says

Booked 17900 call option. 50% position at 98....

Balance 50% position holding... zero cost..... 

No s/l.... either zero or 148....


Gupta says

17900 call option may hit 110 in the coming days... today closing is 53.80

Check at your end and act...



Finnifty made our day happy...



Our message was clear and loud

Sheetal's message was clear and loud "Index no Short"

300 point move in Finnifty...

💜💜💜💜 All credit goes to Sheetal and Geetha.... 


Sheetal says

Index no short.... 


Sheetal says

Market - No short at this juncture...

Watching Finnifty call option reversal setups....

Take care...

Finnifty Call Option 18400

Lovely move..... perfect setup.... en cashed...

The day is over...



Congrats Papa

Finnifty 18400 call option.... Geetha has booked 75% position @ 122.15 and balance 25% position keeping target 156 ...... 
Lovely Geetha.... 💜💜💜💜 

Super Papa.............


Geetha says

Finnifty 18400 call option upside visible 98.80....

Finnifty 18400 call

Hit top band 122......wowwwwwwwwwwwwww....

Congrats Dean

Dean has booked Finnifty 18400 call option profit at 84.70.... entered at 26.20....

Morethan 300% ROI...

Lovellyyyyyyyy 💜💜💜💜


Dean says

Entered Finnifty 18400 call option at 26.20.... keeping target 84.70 ...

If target not hit...will hold for Monday..

Geetha's target is 98.....  

Congrats Mr.Viswanathan

Our Mr.Viswanathan, entered finnifty 18400 call and booked profit as per level...

Super sir...  💜💜💜💜

Dean says

Entered Finnifty 18400 call option at 26.20.... keeping target 84.70 ...

If target not hit...will hold for Monday..

Geetha's target is 98.....  


Trading well above 17888....

Sheetal says

Index no short.... 


Sheetal says

Market - No short at this juncture...

Watching Finnifty call option reversal setups....

Take care...


No setup .... no trade

Let us focus on Finnifty next week setup - forecast...



No setup formation...

No trading zone....

Geetha says

Finnifty 18400 call option upside visible 98.80....

Professor Feynman


Don't care about what others think of you. Think for yourself.