Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Ms.Sheetal says.... her next reference point is 14668.60....

Learning is a continuous process.... learning makes you happy.... learning keeps you busy... learning boost your immune system and keep your health in perfect condition...

Learn new things everyday, subjects you like.... nothing specific..... 

Read / Learn and keep your mind busy... enjoy the life...


My position..... will enter tomorrow..

Ms.Sheetal is holding some naked options...

14800 call follow up

Day is over.... covered 2 lots short at 196.20...

Short at 229.60..... covered at 196.20.... (next level is 154.80)...

Homework / patience / knowledge..... with application of knowledge rewards you....only fools follow the news and external factors, which were not in our control... 

Be wise.... learn and enjoy the life... 💜💜💜💜💜


14800 call follow up...240.20..



Is going to be the deciding factor......

14800 call follow up...240.20..



Is going to be the deciding factor......

15100 call short - follow up

Booked profit at 94.80..... 💜💜💜💜



 Sold 2 lots 15100 call at 117.40....

Keeping target 94.80...


14700 put trailing s/l triggered at 127.80...

14900 put - follow up

14900 put trailing s/l profit booked at 101....... entered at 73....  high made 124 132 not hit...

Booked 28 profit...



Target may be 132....

S/l and trailing s/l check the hourly sequence levels...


Target may be 132....

S/l and trailing s/l check the hourly sequence levels...


Is going to be the deciding factor......


 Sold 2 lots 15100 call at 117.40....

Keeping target 94.80...


14700 put trailing s/l triggered at 127.80...


14700 put 2 lot 123.90..

Keeping target 98.40....


Nifty future range for the day 14892 ~ 15098......

"கல்வி வலிமையானது...அதை விட வலிமையானது கல்வி சாராத அறிவு.... "