Thursday, October 5, 2023
Again kept 19500 call option buy order at 24.40... low formed 28.55 and bounced to 85
Missed again by Geetha...
What Papa
Missed 19500 put option ah ?
😊😊 Buy order placed at 7.50....... low formed 8.45 and reversed to 24....
Just missed by Geetha...
Gupta says
Booked trailing s/l profit at 59.80.....
Love;ly da Gupta 💜💜💜💜
Entered 19500 call option at 39.20 and holding for target 76.50...with trailing s/l
Gupta says
Booked loss in 19100 put option ...entered at 74.80 and exited today at 64.30..
Entered 19500 call option at 39.20 and holding for target 76.50...with trailing s/l
Holding the position for target 156....
Gupta says
Bought....Nifty, October Month end 19100 Put Option at 74.80 and holding......
Professor Feynman
எளிமையின் அழகை நாம் (அடிக்கடி) கவனிக்காமல் விடுகிறோம் 💜💜💜
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