Thursday, October 5, 2023

Nymex Crude

Nymex crude reversal area visible near 81.60..

Gupta says

Entered Nifty 19100 put option at 52.40 and holding...


Gupta says

Bought Bharti Airtel 930 call option at 12.40....keeping target 16.20...



Again kept 19500 call option buy order at 24.40... low formed 28.55 and bounced to 85

Missed again by Geetha...

What Papa

Missed 19500 put option ah ?

😊😊 Buy order placed at 7.50....... low formed 8.45 and reversed to 24....

Just missed by Geetha...

Gupta says

Booked trailing s/l profit at 59.80.....

Love;ly da Gupta 💜💜💜💜 


Entered 19500 call option at 39.20 and holding for target 76.50...with trailing s/l

Gupta says

Booked loss in 19100 put option ...entered at 74.80 and exited today at 64.30..


Entered 19500 call option at 39.20 and holding for target 76.50...with trailing s/l


Holding the position for target 156....


Gupta says

Bought....Nifty, October Month end 19100 Put Option at 74.80 and holding...... 


Congrats Geetha

Nifty 19500 call entered at 38 and booked profit at 65...

Perfect entry.... enjoy.......💜💜

Professor Feynman

எளிமையின் அழகை நாம் (அடிக்கடி) கவனிக்காமல் விடுகிறோம் 💜💜💜

We often overlook the beauty of simplicity. Some of the most profound insights are found in the elegant and uncomplicated.