Friday, May 31, 2024


Watch and put...

Going to be a violent move... as such no setup...


Who cares about food...etc...etc...😎😎😎😎

Election 2024 - Forecast

Market Take ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

According to the market structure and patterns, the ruling party, BJP, may lose the election as the probability of winning has decreased. 

This is purely based on market trends.... 

Just my view 👇👇

In 2019, BJP has reached the saturation level in all the states and gained 303 seats..

Current election 2024, going by strike rate,  BJP will come close to 218 ~ 233...

End of the day, we should have a good leader ... not a joker or actor or fool...

Think in terms of Nation.... don't go by leaders..

Nation is greater than leader.... whether it is Congress or BJP..... whether it is Mr.Stalin or Edapadi...

No attachment with a party or a leader...

It is our responsibility to protect our "Indian Democrazy" and "Multicultural colorful India"


Election 2024

Till today.... as per market price action based on today close.... "India Alliance" is ahead... BJP is in loosing stream..

This prediction is purely based on Market Price Action..... 

Anyway, let us wait for Friday closing.... more important..


Exactly 1013 points premium....

Trend is clear ... as per Geetha's level....

Buying call and put (together) is going to be a foolish move.. only idiots can do...

As such Gupta has sold as per Geetha's level and will hold....

Congrats Da Gupta

Sensex 74500 Put Option entered 206 and booked profit at 410

Thanks to Geetha


403 is target

 178 is s/l...

403 is target

 178 is s/l...