Thursday, February 24, 2022

S & P

Is holding and trading above the support level.... 



Waiting for "Arabic Kuthu"... they will come back with full swing... me also join with bulls for sure...


Carryover war news and trade...

Go by the sequence.....

Don't fix Positional....Short or Long ...

Use reversals and enjoy....

Gold hit the Resistance 1969......Crude Hit 99.89.....S & P holding the multiple supports....

Market / War news may give surprises..... so...follow the sequence changes....

Full scale war may not be on the cards... I feel.... let us see...


Gupta did a good trade....booked loss in call option....entered put option...

(Y'day his entry was without any logic....random 😄😄😄😄)....

However, he did the right think in the morning...and enjoyed...

Message is "Always obey the market rule"....

Who cares

அடேய் ரஷ்யா - உக்ரைன்  நீங்க சண்டைபோடுங்க .. இல்ல கட்டிபுடிச்சிகிட்டு உருளுங்க....  Who cares...

பஜாஜ் பைனான்ஸ் call  "Buy " வந்தா.... வாங்குவோம்... அவ்வளவுதான்....

S & P

Nothing wrong...still holding the multiple support levels....

Full scale war may be on Ukarine...if breaks the multiple support... 

Let us see...


No holding from my side....

However..... casino Gupta holding 15700 put entered @ 183...... (qty based on today's profit)....

Casino trade......


My favourite doing well...

Sanjay has booked 50% position at 1969...... balance 25% may at at 1989.....balance 25% will hold with trailing s/l......

Gold is always my 💜💜💜💜


Gold hit level 1992....

Gold remembering 2008 nightmare rally....same blood.... bears are in soup....



Trading above 1920...

Next level 1948 / 1969....



 Hit Century.........



Trading above 96.14.....

Avoid short......

Any dip near with s/l 91.68....upside is visible 99.92.....

Remember the s/l.....

Sequence change

16900 call CMP 129......kept buy order @ 74.30.... (for the day)...

Check the chart at your end and act.....


Are rocking.......

Sanjay is waiting for 1972........with trailing s/l.....

We expected in 1st week of February......anyway.... holding far month issue....


Trading above 96.14.....

Avoid short......

Any dip near with s/l 91.68....upside is visible 99.92.....

Remember the s/l.....

16400 put

Exited @ 259.90...... entered @ 183.85..... (Profit trailing s/l triggered)..

Congrats Gupta...


Gupta is rocking

 Gupta says...booked loss 17400 @ 37.80...and entered (double the qty) 16400 put @ 183.85 and holding with trailing s/l for 324....


Gupta is rocking

 Gupta says...booked loss 17400 @ 37.80...and entered (double the qty) 16400 put @ 183.85 and holding with trailing s/l for 324....


No trade

Setup today...

Waiting for entry....

My take is buy on dip...

As such no entry...


Gupta has entered next week 17400 call, if goes near 112  will close or else will hold...


Trading above 1920...

Next level 1948 / 1969....
