Tesla.... a mystery..... 💜💜💜
He knows in advance about his death and he has isolated himself from the outside world and died...
திரு.டெஸ்லாவை, கடைசி வரை, இவ்வுலகம் புரிந்து கொள்ளவில்லை.... அவரை அவமானப்படுத்தியது..... இன்று நம் தினசரி வாழ்க்கையில் எழுவது சதவிகிதத்திற்கும் அதிகமான பயன்பாடுகள் அவர் கண்டுபிடிப்பே அடிப்படை..... இன்றும் அவரை யாரும் நினைவு கூர்வதில்லை...
உலகம் அப்படித்தானே....
திரு.டெஸ்லாவிடம் கற்றுக்கொண்டது... மனிதம் 💓💓💓
Nikola Tesla described his love for the white pigeon as follows: "I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life." He believed that the pigeon had a connection with him that transcended the physical world. He said that the pigeon had told him that she was dying, and that before she died, a bright light shone from her eyes, brighter than anything he had ever created with his electrical devices . He felt that her death marked the end of his life's work, and he became more isolated and depressed afterwards.