Tuesday, November 30, 2021


This is going to be the swing till Thursday...


My take is invest and hold...

Option positional traders

17600 call short follow up

Kept target 93.20... if not hit, will hold for tomorrow... 



 17600 call @ 132.40.... will hold...


Hello man...why you have changed target 198 to 186 😈😈😈😈

Gupta now



 17600 call @ 132.40.... will hold...

Reference point

Is not valid........now...

No trade setup...

Bank Nifty

Future 36047 holding  above (15 minutes candle basis)...

Next entry

Will wait.....for sequence change setup...

Or else reference point 58..

Use the swings.... for trade....

டுடே "Swing"  is going to be like  "பீச் குதிரை" மொமெண்ட் 

17600 call short

Booked profit at 111.20...


Will hold

Will hold.... 



 17600 call @  132.40 ...will hold...

36600 call perfect move

Don't tell...operators moving the market...

Market is moving based on levels...

Today...reversal swing.....over...

We encashed.... closed the terminal...

Will hold

Will hold.... 



 17600 call @  132.40 ...will hold...

36600 call hit 384.20

Today is a 

Solid setup...... sure shot setup.... en cashed...

36600 call moved ...from entry point 188 to 384........ the day is over...

Sishyan / Sheetal / Gupta congrats...... perfect co-ordination and identified the setup.....

36600 call first level 279 reached

Why so urgent man ?

(I kept balance 50% at 384.20 with trailing s/l 284)..

Superb move....

279 is visible
