Friday, December 23, 2022


Are talking and barking... as if market has crashed...

Adei... this is normal correction Da..... this is not a crash....

Uncles doesn't know the difference between crash and a correction, in top of that they are conducting seminars..... idiots....😂😂😂😂

Excellent Price Action

Only fools can think... price is manipulated by humans...

Not at all possible..

Price move based on maths and on its own....

Price is following natural behavior.... 

90% முட்டாள்கள் இதை நம்பாம trade பண்றதுனாலதான், பணத்தை இழக்கிறானுங்கோ.... அவனுங்களை எல்லாம் திருத்தமுடியாது... அவனுங்களை திருத்தவும் கூடாது ... அவனுங்க இருந்தாதான், நம்ம ஜெயிக்க முடியும்.....  

இயற்கையில் முட்டாள்களை பார்த்து ஒருபொழுதும் வருத்தப்பட தேவையில்லை....  

In the battle field, frontline solders bound to die .... fate.... let them die.... 

If you design yourself as a soldier in the trading field.... then sorry... you have to die...

Monthly Expiry

May be call option move will be on the cards..

Minimum 3x ... Maximum 6x....

As such our reference point is 34......  34 to 243 is possible....

Will review tomorrow may be in the afternoon.....


Booked profit

18300 call option sold at 48.70 and booked profit at 15.20


Gupta says

Sold 18300 call option @ 48.70...

Kept target 15.60.....

Gupta says

Nifty 18200 put option may validate 562, in this series...

Let us see...

Ware wah

 Trade பண்ணலைனா Geetha விற்கு தூக்கம் வராது ....

As such

Bank nifty premium is 740 points...

Four trading sessions for expiry.....

Wait...... hope, today.... no trading zone...

Gupta says

Sold 18300 call option @ 48.70...

Kept target 15.60.....