Friday, June 30, 2017

Month End Visual Analysis

Based month end closing analysis......

Based on visual analysis....based on Month End closing.....

Nifty.....9608.40 is crucial level..(top)
Bank Nifty....23523.80 is crucial level...(top)...

Be cautious..............

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Magic Numbers

Tomorrow.....Month End

Magic Numbers....231 / 258...1643...

I will inform....tomorrow...what exactly...we should do.....

Be Ready

Tomorrow we will take a buy and hold strategy based on Nifty50 visual analysis....

Final picture....before 3.15 p.m....tomorrow...

Enjoy Friends......

Index View...

Nifty Crucial Level 9549.....moved intraday and closed below...

Bank Nifty Crucial Level 23094.20.............Just Resistance 23471.40....

Be ready for big money......

Bank Nifty Opening Range

Bank Nifty again Opening Range...............premium swallowed........

Bank Nifty

Today....only Mr.Bhang initiated 23300 call at 109.10 with guts...and booked 134.80.....

All waiting for 82.10...for entry...........

M&M exited with 4.20 paise s/l triggered...

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tomorrow - Bank Nifty Weekly Dancing

Let us go by 23300 strike price..... Sup/Res...level tomorrow.....

Visual Analysis of Nifty 50 Scripts

As on date Trend of scripts......(this may change on 1st July 2017)......(Main Trend)....

Good work and contribution by Mrs.Anuradha......."Thanks for your report"....


Nifty exactly closed about near 9503......


Hindunilever  - S/l Triggered 4 point gone.....

Running position.................TCS and M & M....

No opportunity in Option today....

My View

My View......Not a tips

Be conneted with hangout......enjoy and trade...

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

One More Hanging Man

Poor Fellow...hanging without support...

Let us behaves in the coming days....

Details...will be posted in the morning.....

Natural Gas

Natural Gas....our cards are open....

Take Care....


We loaded our Gun.......for tomorrow's opportunity.....

TCS / Titan and our list...

Enjoy and Trade.....

Nifty Holding 9503

Nifty is holding 9503....and validated 9482.90.......

Who cares...International Markets are up or down....

Next 3 days...we go by swings....

Don't take any positional view on Nifty as such....


All Longs are in Trouble

All Longs are in trouble.......Nifty Important level 9503.20..

Hero LT Positional Bleeding

LT from our sell level 1704 to 1687.........

Fantastic opportunity.....good entry.....

LT is bleeding.....................

Postional already fallen 11 points

Positional hero is enjoying 11 points falllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Hero is on

Hero is on................  positional ....... script is scared about our will hit......

My view

My view.....observation.....not a tips....

23500 call broken the support and

23500 put established the buy (not 23000 put)..


As mentioned..............

BPCL is winner....IOC is following.....

Award goes to BPCL.......nice bleeding..........

Tatamotors .......cracking.....

Bottom Fishing

Our Bottom Fishing script level is..

589.10 is bottom fishing..bounce back....quick profit...

Take Care...

Let us Enjoy

All our Birds are enjoying........................

Have patience for your next opportunity......

Congrats Mrs.Anuradha

Congrats Mrs.Anuradha....

Always you rocks.........

Your Bank Nifty and Nifty Put option....both flying......

Good analysis.........your patience.......rewards you....

Keep it.... follow our Rule......(Don't worry about...external factors.....).....


Nifty 9600 Put................Zooming

Nifty 9600 Put Option Hit 72................from 40.50.....................

76% ROI...



Monday, June 26, 2017

After a Long Week End

After a long week end......

We are ready with our cyclical level......for Bank Nifty Option Tomorrow...

23500 call option cyclical level....will lead the market....

Based on this levels...we will decide.......option opportunity tomorrow....


Lead Swing Level for today 140.10 ~ 145.80.....CMP 142.70

Nifty Swing Levels

Nifty Future Swing Levels....

9526 ~ 9747...extreme top 9792....

ரமலான் தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Solid Bounce Back Opportunity

Our Next Bottom Fishing.... (Like Auro Pharma ....bounce back) on the Card....

Details........ soon will be posted in hangout...with levels.....

Solid opportunity......

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Tatamotors Looking weak....

Take Care...

Where to Enter and Exit

Where to Invest....and where to Exit...(so called mother of Bull Market rally..trend catching method)...

Lupin is a Study Case....

Go and Check....Nifty has started trend like this on 18th September 2009 (weekly candle close) - price 4978.20.....(Future)...

Nothing Great in making money in trading.....

Needs patience...and skill to interpret the price and level...

Take Care Friends....

Learn and Earn........

Or hire a professional and Earn....

Nothing is free in this Earth.....

Friday, June 23, 2017


CESC ..... 840 Put...Zero...or this settlement....


My View

My View....(Not a trading call or Tips)

Just do analysis at your end ...and understand


TCS hit 2371...


Now vibrated numbers 77.20 and upside 221.40...

Take Care...

Bank Nifty 23600 Put Option Hit 149

Bank Nifty 23600 Put Option Hit 149...........determined swing top....from 86....


Nothing is free in this earth......spend money and learn........or just watch and cry....who cares...

We need

ONGC 160 Put Option

ONGC we Delivered....and Killed ONGC

PUT positional from beginning of the month from 0.65 to 3.35 Today.....Enjoy

ONGC my commitment is told........ONGC 160 Put....Month end it is almost 5 times....from Rs.0.60 to 3.35....

And ONGC from 175 to 158......(I told from 29th May ....about ONGC)....

What else want.....

Only patience....and belief.....

All friends....

Now...Decision is your.....about 160 Put.....either book profit or hold till month end...with s/l of 1.80 paise...


Bank Nifty 23600 Put Option Zooming

Bank Nifty 23600 Put Option from 87 to 103 and

Bank Nifty 23600 Put Option....first Level 103.40 Hit

Again 20% ROI is over.....

Next levels 113...and 121 and 148...

If you want next level...keep trailing s/l and hold...or exit

Now decision is yours


9600 Put 20% ROI Done

Congrats Mrs.Anuradha

Nifty 9600 Put Hit our Target 45........................

Good Entry..................20% ROI is over....

Jubilant Food

Jubiliant hit

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Two Scripts

Jubliant Food and TCS........on.....

Take Care......

Lupin - Hit 1172......

As told .... Next Funda"Mental"....Lupin (below 1103).....followed our level....and opportunity encashed...

Lupin hit our 1172.....

Now..wait for higher