Friday, November 30, 2018


Biocon....weekly level closed above trend is up..

Keeping s/l 601.....upside targets as per level looks 654  /   672...

Always s/l is "Must"

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Bank Nifty

Bank next shift....

Bank Nifty Selling Option

Almost neutralised......39 points... profit per lot as of today...

8th consecutive profit 536 points.... (only 1 trader per trades 8 )...

Monday, November 26, 2018

Selling Options

Selling option......first day itself.....achieved  1st  targets...


As such no reversal ........higher level short........

Waiting for some pullback confirmation as such...

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty 26100 put....closed above level is 417....cmp is 239...

Saturday, November 24, 2018

S & P

S & P the trend is potentially weak....

May be 200 point cut from current level.....2628.50...

This time...pullback may not be possible...

Just my observation....let us see...

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Nifty is 10600 call holding above 98....Nifty is holding above harm to bulls...


Bank Nifty......trend is up....

Option Selling 45 points encashed

Option selling as such fallen 54 point from selling price....

Our determined target is such...

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty closes and trading below the trend is neutral....


As such no change in the trend.......i.e...Put has not initiated buy as of today....

Let us wait....

Today...i hope...premium shrinkage may happen...

Already call & put sell premium fallen 12 points....

Option Selling

42 points premium profit for sure....

Monday, November 19, 2018


Narayanan says....breakdown 30% has achieved.....

Now...let us wait for entry.........after correction...


Now....Nifty 10634 will act as support and reversal point... (Future)...

Bank Nifty

Bank above the reversal support...

26192 (Future) is support for the day.....

Take care...

Fresh long not advisable at this juncture...either after correction or breakout..

As such no trade...

Yes Bank

Yes Bank....reversal on the cards ?

I feel...may be wednesday or upmove may be on the per level formation of today...

Any change will update....

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Trend continuation

Trend continuation.... confirmed.......(shift happened) y'day.......

Will post the details in the hangout....

Let us see......what happens......

Friday, November 16, 2018


Today...Nifty one more shift has happened....

Bank Nifty....ahead of Nifty......

I feel Nifty now only journey is going to start...

Read my positional chart in hangout/mail and act accordingly....

Bank Nifty Now...

26184 (Future) 1 hour...

Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty.....perfect move from the candle.....mentioned in the above post , yesterday....

Check at your end and understand....

Congrats Namo

Congrats Namo........


Nifty hit and trading near the 1st resistance....10703.90....

No position as such ....booked profit both 10700 call and 26300 call...

Again will enter........(check hangout....will post my view)...

Bank Nifty Call Booked

Bank Nifty 26300 call booked at 186...

Congrats Jyothi.................

S & P not violated

S & P....not violated the cyclical reversal level 2680.......

Next...resistance 2789.......s/l is 2680......cmp 2728....

Thursday, November 15, 2018

S & P

S & P nearing to support...

Hope....may reverse from here....

Will it ?......

Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty one more shift has happened 11th September 2018...


This week option selling - Almost Zero...

Per lot profit 96 points.....

Narayanan is closed.........

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Nifty as long as not closing above 10622 (closing basis) further upmove oneside...

Tomorrow .....25721...level to be watched out...

25700 Month End put not closed below 202.....again will it go to 382 ?....

Next Move

25700 monthly strike price...

25700 Call Option .....level....479.80
25700 Put Option.....level....202.60...

27000 Put Option

27000 put option....completed the cycle...

No operator / No Open Interest / No News ....nothing....price moves based on cyclical pattern...

27000 Put fell 300 point  as per cyclical level from 506 to 204.........(check y'day post and understand)...

கேட்கிறீர்களா....இல்லையா,   என்பது ...என் பிரச்னை இல்லை..... ..... நடப்பது இதுதான்.... 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Index no ....Short....

Trading above resistance...

Take care...

Option Selling Hit 350...

25700 Put band is 506.......hit 350 nicely.......... 156 points .....profit...

Bank Nifty

Now 25669 future.....stiff resistance....(15 mintues candle)... 25512 minutes candle)..

Option selling

Top band sold.....just 5 point s/l.........

Monday, November 12, 2018

10400 Put Option

10400 put option closed above 93.80........ hope our Narayanan may agree with 93.80.......

Correction..on the cards...

Take care.....

Option Selling

Strike Price - Top and Bottom band identified .....

Net Impact / Profit per lot 38.40.......(our determined profit 40 per lot)

Irrespective of market move....selling option with strategy always generates money....subject to having the level....

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty Strong support 25103....


Now 10307....will act as strong support...

Saturday, November 10, 2018

10500 call - December

2nd July 2018.....10500 call reversed and moved oneside from 523...

The same kind of effect....not yet reflected as such...

May be a correction...then...uptrend may start

(Main trend no change in my view......positionally trend is up....)

If you wants to know the meaning of correction.......please check 11000 call and put ...December strike will able to understand....

Friday, November 9, 2018


Index is in "Neutral Zone"..

Both call and put option (25700 strike price) below "Red Level"......

Oneside move...above red ....either call or put....confirms...


Gold just falling as per level....

Now 1196 is final support....


Index today...10600 call 171.80 close above only trend may go up...

Or fresh long at this juncture...

Final support for 10600 call 83.40.....

Volatility range 83.40 to 171.80...

Next Two days trading session - selling option bands

Option selling bands ....sure we may get minimum 40 points in two days....

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Crude Oil

Crude Oil....solid reversal pullback rally 100+ points.....opportunity level posted in the hangout...

Till then....wait .....

There we can enter and encash the reversal...

Take care...and enjoy...


Gold as such sell on rally near 1239....

Buy on dip near 1196....

Nymex Crude

Nymex Crude closed below 61.90.....

Trend is still weak.....

Bottom reversal....not validated....

Next reversal level 58.90.....CMP 61.80....

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Bank Nifty

As long as 25800 call (Monthly strike) holding above such trend is up...


Index trend is up...

Nifty (positional) support now shifted to 10379
Bank Nifty (positional) support now shifted to 25093....

(Nifty CMP 10548......Bank Nifty CMP 25709)...

(our charts source file : Mainweekly/positional)..

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Settlement move

Naked option buying such no opportunity...

Neither breaking out....nor reaching the bottom..

25700 call

25700 call.....reversal level (if it comes)....for today 45.80......CMP 130....

நந்தியம்பெருமானுடன் தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

புகைப்படம் : நன்றி : திரு.பராந்தக சோழன்..

Monday, November 5, 2018

Tomorrow US Mid Term Poll Results

Todal all financial jokers started saying....FII's are bought heavily....and DII's are sold heavily...

So What....?.......


Today more shift has happened......

In one line................"my take is buy on dip....."

Option selling

Our determined target 70 points achieved..... (selling oneside...)

Let us see...tomorrow... again....


Main trend is doubt...

Always....correction....bound to happen...

My take is buying call option near the reversal point (as marked)....

Will wait for my entry.... as determined by the level.....till then....just watch...

Option Selling

This week...we will sell option ...oneside........minimum 69 ....maximum 98 points.....



Sunday, November 4, 2018

Next move

Check 25600 monthly call option....Bank Nifty...

This week, price started the journey from Bottom blue...validated the top Red...

This stirke price will give the fare idea of next move....

Check the chart at your end and do analysis...

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Script Call Option

Script call option...ready to fly......

Details check hangout...

Check Hangout and Mail

Check Hangout and Mailbox....

(Price / Levels) Vs Other Stuffs

All talks so many factors  .....but nothing works out unless price and level confirms...

Here is the proof....

Added so called useless ...Delta // Open Interest / FII / and other idiot logics in Red Line...

Price is Dark Yellow Lines...

When price line is started moving upside and crossing over called Delta/OI/bla..bla...

Then only trend is reversing...

Till such time......all stuffs are useless based on calculation.......Price action / Levels are leaders..

No Thump Latha.......

Any logic......should be proved visibly.....with pattern formation....

Thanks  to  Manoj....for the efforts contributed to develop the criteria (alongwith other criteria)... It took almost 1 month for Mr.Manoj.....

Thanks once again to Mr.Manoj......great knowledge........let us check for next reversal...

Nothing is impossible..........if focus is in one place with belief...

Friday, November 2, 2018

Bank Nifty

Details posted in hangout on 31st October 2018

Today closing 

Trend is up.....