Wednesday, June 30, 2021


One solid opportunity is on the cards..... identified by Sheetal...

When price reaching near to the bottom level.....will post the details in the hangout...


Today, not able to concentrate on market after 1 o' clock, sequence change timing... due to outside work...

Tomorrow is being, weekly settlement.... hope, we may get a opportunity, between 1 ~ 2 o clock....

No trade for sure before 1 o clock.....

Focus on "White/Red" Sheet after 12.30....

Take care....


Says... holding his positions....

Congrats man...

Follow up weekly 15500 call option

15500 call sell initiated at 365... 

Yesterday reached 262....

Today reached next level 234...

Today closing is 227....

140 points from sell level....


Nifty call premium erosion


Nifty call option premium also eroded appr...100 points...

Selling option...with logic...always generates good money....with limited risk....subject to knowledge and chart setups....

Otherwise, selling option is a dangerous game, without having knowledge, if you try to sell options..

Learn and educate yourself...





Sold 16000 call option @ 119.80.....

Naked option

As such.... no position in naked options at my end...

I will wait for sure shot..... or else will wait...

Congrats friend

Good improvement.....

Perfect entry...   

(Hope...Today range is for this call option is 62 to 169...)



15600 put option @ 128.15...

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Nifty call premium erosion


Nifty call option premium also eroded appr...100 points...

Selling option...with logic...always generates good money....with limited risk....subject to knowledge and chart setups....

Otherwise, selling option is a dangerous game, without having knowledge, if you try to sell options..

Learn and educate yourself...

400 points premium swallowed

Bank Nifty 35200 call sell initiated at 535 level and fallen to 126 and closed at 151... (Panel color shifted to sell... same time, all other setups confirmed....sell "Call Option")..

Almost 400 points premium eroded...

However, check put options...just moved 17 points from Monday...

Effective premium eroded 385 points...appr...

Need logic to encash the premium....


My dear friend.... why so hurry ? 

You entered with logic.... after touched the bottom.....on reversal, you entered....

But, if, you have waited for another 5 minutes with trailing s/l..... it has moved above 200+ 

Anyway, good entry and interpretation..... 

You have to kill the fear now...

Good analysis.... 

Keep learning...


Reliance support is visible near 2051....

If breaks closes below daily basis...then, next target is 1936....

Check Call option 2160 for reversal.... as such bottom visible near 18,,, Reversal point...

Before entry... please check with me...



Sold 16000 call option @ 119.80.....


Sishyan says......bought  15700 put at 36.10 and will hold....

16200 call

Keeping sell order @ 78.40...

As expected -- have patience

Premium erosion is going on.....

Perfect move as expected....

Once premium eroded near to 100 points...then we have to check the setup for option one side move..

Till such time.... best way, selling option and swallow the premium...

Definitely...we will get a doubling opportunity for sure....before Thursday.... 

Naked options

Buying naked options....setup not yet initiated....

16200 call follow up

Exited at 63.40 


16200 call short follow up


Revised target from 62 to 56....


16200 call short follow up

Keeping target 62....



1 lot July 16000 call option sold @ 159.30....

1 lot  July 16200 call option sold @ 96....

16200 call short follow up


Revised target from 62 to 56....


16200 call short follow up

Keeping target 62....



1 lot July 16000 call option sold @ 159.30....

1 lot  July 16200 call option sold @ 96....

16200 call short follow up

Keeping target 62....



1 lot July 16000 call option sold @ 159.30....

1 lot  July 16200 call option sold @ 96....

16000 call short - follow up

Booked profit at 140.30....



1 lot 16000 call @ 159.30....

Keeping target 149.20

No comments:    


No range......will wait for option setup to enter into trade...

"Your first failure starts, when you try to prove yourself to the society"

Monday, June 28, 2021


1 lot July 16000 call option sold @ 159.30....

1 lot  July 16200 call option sold @ 96....

Naked options

Today....... since from morning..... narrow range...... 

No setup established....

Let us have patience, will enter the naked option... either call or put...

Today put option chart (sishyan's chart) is self explanatory... whole day... travelled between the band...


1 lot 16000 call @ 159.30....

Keeping target 149.20

16200 call short follow up

Booked profit @ 82... 



1 lot 16200 call option @ 106...

Keeping target 82....


1 lot 16200 call option @ 106...

Keeping target 82....


Range for the day 15841 ~ 15968.....

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sishyan Analysis

Sishyan posted a chart for next week...

I have forwarded'/posted the chart in the hangout.... check.... (posted with details ....i.e.strike price, levels)

If price touches the bottom.... market may react....

Alongwith sishyan's chart ..... check white/red sheet at your end...

Have patience and wait for the setup...


Saturday, June 26, 2021


BHEL..... range is 57 to 76.....

Kotak Bank

Kotak Bank distribution is going below 1902 level.....

As such avoid investing in Kotak Bank...

If comes near "Sure Buy" zone.... you can any qty and wait....

Friday, June 25, 2021

Next week


In our "Team" list..... 

Details posted in the hangout... (strike price and details check in "Reversal" sheet at your end...

Week end.... spend time on chart and do  homework for next week trade...

Given the information may be useful for your analysis...

Same chart check the options, you will get the information..

Any doubt call me... will explain...

Learn and earn...

S & P


மோசமானவங்களிலே ... மிக முக்கியமானவன் இந்த S & P 

இது எல்லாம் நல்லதுக்கு இல்ல....





1 lot....July 16200 call option @ 96....

Congrats friend

Exited too early.... emotional exit...😂😂😂😂😂  ?.... (next time.... try to keep trailing s/l and run the profit)...

Anyway....made profit....good....congrats....

35600 call hit target

35600 call entered / bought at 211


Hit the target 268....booked profit.......


Revised to 225.70

 Trailing s/l revised to 225.70 and target 268......


35600 call follow up

Trailing s/l revised to 220.60


35600 call

Entered at 211....keeping target 268...with trailing s/l 215...

Revised to 225.70

 Trailing s/l revised to 225.70 and target 268......


35600 call follow up

Trailing s/l revised to 220.60


35600 call

Entered at 211....keeping target 268...with trailing s/l 215...

35600 call follow up

Trailing s/l revised to 220.60


35600 call

Entered at 211....keeping target 268...with trailing s/l 215...

15500 put - follow up

124.20 booked profit...



 1 lot 15500 put option month end @ 139.60...

35600 call

Entered at 211....keeping target 268...with trailing s/l 215...