Saturday, July 31, 2021

Naked option buyers - Knowledge purpose..

If you don't understand the premium volatility.... you will never make money in naked option buying...

We have to allow the market to react and premium has to shrink and settle in one point... (white/red bottom level)..

After premium shrinkage, if you concentrate on naked option buying... you can able to make money...

Last week.... Put Option premium fallen 500 points from hitting the top...same time call option premium has also fallen 140 points..... (call option has not moved, because, premium shrinkage not yet over as per white/red)...

Check white/red chart at your end and follow ...

Call and Put charts are self explanatory....

Friday, July 30, 2021

S & P

S & P..... always a nasty guy..... risk factor is 1200 points....

Day by day... risk factor is widening....always trade with s/l on your investments....from now onwards...

Results - waste of time

Many jokers / idiots...... trades based on company performance / results...

Last week Dr.Reddy..... bulls pants removed.. 

Same way.... today... so many would have gone short...assuming Sunpharma will fall.... today bears pants removed...

Actually Both Dr.Reddy and Sunpharma reacted based on Technical not by results.... (Jokers / Idiot Experts should understand price will move based on cyclical pattern not by any news....when you teach someone... teach the right subject with data)

Last week live market... before result, we entered long trade in Asian Paint as per technical...., then price moved.... (we are least bothered about Asian paint result on that day....who cares)....

Dr.Reddy and Sunpharma .... Charts are self explanatory  (For educational purpose)....

Use your brain and knowledge....

Past / Present / Future.... price only will reacts (read the nature)...... nothing else will react in the market... your mind is sick and you believe all kind of non-sense which is not in your control and cry after you blow your account...

Price is always visible and it is moving in front of us.... believe the price and action...



Perfect move.....before trending ... market is on trapping mode...

No position .... my side...

Will enter into trade at the appropriate time...

No hurry.... 

Cheer up...

16000 put short - Sheetal booked

Yesterday sold at 331 and exited booked @ 269.40..

(Again she has kept selling order at 296.90).....



Sheetal positioned as per sishyan's analysis...

Learn .... Learn..... Learn.....



(All credits goes to Sishyan and Sheetal)...


Market is always right....

15700 put short follow up


Covered @ 53.10.......sold @ 68.90...

Again will sell ...if goes near 73 level...








No position...

Another 3 trading naked options buying for sure.

Let us concentrate on selling options...

"Your success depends on ... books you read, food you eat, people you spend time with and your belief on yourself"


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Check hangout - India Vix - Updated reference points


India vix  revised  reference points posted.... for knowledge purpose...

Those reference points will act as swing reversal points of index...

Thanks sishya.... good work and excellent information......



Sheetal positioned as per sishyan's analysis...

Learn .... Learn..... Learn.....

Trend - Check Hangout

Market may surprise everyone...

Wait and watch...

Sishyan's view posted in the hangout ....check and do analysis at your end..

Thanks sishya...for your efforts and information..

"Nothing is free"



No Trade in naked options... no clear setup...


34500 put short - follow up

Covered @ 226.70..... 

Morning sold @ 268...






Sishyan 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Booked overnight position.... (you always play "casino")

Very good.....

Bharti Airtel

Sheetal's favourite script.... she is confident towards 640 + soon....



...Identifying what opportunity to take is the key...

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Month expiry trade...

Sure...why not....we will trade... more dance is visible....we will participate for sure (Sishyan is on the job)

நிப்டி தீச்சட்டியை நேற்று ஒருமணிக்கு கையில எடுத்தான்.... நாளைக்கு இறக்கி வச்சிடுவான்.....

Experts எல்லாம்  SGX  நிபிட்டி யை பார்த்து கூட்டம் போடாம  போய் தூங்குங்க...... போ போ போ...

Task completed

As expected and indicated...Put Option doubled from yesterday..... and Call option doubled from reversal...

Thanks for the co-ordination...thanks sheetal...



We have another 2 days for settlement.....still we have 120 points premium...

Don't take any positional / overnight trades... no use...

Also....don't fix call or put...

Go according to the price action next three days...

Both put and call option may give doubling opportunity...

My target is in simple terms 25% to 35% ...... consistency is key....

So... open mind...we should approach the market next three days...


Both reference points market reversed.....

Now...reference points are changed....

This reference points are not valid from Today...   (new reference points will be posted in hangout....not here in future)...

Thanks sishya.... perfect analysis...


Sishyan Says


India vix reference points are 14.42 and 10.08....

34500 call

Got a entry....will close at 3.15....

Nifty shorts sellers at the lower level

Nifty shorts at lower level...forced to cover / exit....     (the sequence bounce back is over)...

Our side...the day is over....

Philips Carbon - Validated 1st Level

Congrats Gupta....exited 50 % of the holding in one account...

Patience..... entered at 187.....(Portfolio investment pick)...

Adei sishya

 Congrats Da...

15600 call (Check white/red)........

Sishyan completed and encashed......

Super Da...

Market is always right...... bounce back on Dot....

Needs application of knowledge and patience.....

34800 put short follow up

34800 put shorted at 523 and covered at 410...

Booked profit....

Bank Nifty sequence bounce back encashed.....







Continuation of yesterday's trend has encashed...

Sheetal - 16000 call short follow up

Says.....booked profit @ 97.20...




Says....sold August 16000 call and holding...

Sold @ 127.80...

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


As such no idea... and no holding....  

Nifty staying above support....


Bank Nifty staying below support... and near to Breakdown level...

Entirely different market condition...

Naked option traders.... better, be in the sidelines, next 2 days....if you are not aware of the subject... you will lose your capital.

Next 2 days going to be very very tricky days.... naked option buyers stay away....volatility will kill you...

If you have margin.... Sell option and be cool..... sell next month August 16400 call and hold... 

I will just trade based on Sishyan's analysis with White/Red swings...with proper s/l... otherwise, i will keep quite, instead losing money....


Says....sold August 16000 call and holding...

Sold @ 127.80...


உழவார பணி... மகிழ்ச்சியாக செய்வோம்...... 

இன்னும் செய்யவேண்டியது..... 

தமிழில் மட்டுமே வழிபாடு... 

கோவில்களில்  தட்டில் காணிக்கை போடுவதையும் / வாங்குவதையும் தடை செய்யவேண்டும்.. மீறி வாங்கினால், ஊழல் சட்டத்தின் படி கைது செய்ய சட்டம் இயற்றவேண்டும்....

அறநிலைய துறை.. கோவில் உண்டியலில் மட்டுமே காணிக்கைகளை போடவேண்டும் என்று அறிவிப்பு பலகைகள் வைக்க வேண்டும்...

கோவில்களை சங்கிகளிடம் இருந்து மீட்டெடுப்போம்...... நமது கோவில்.... எவனுக்கும் சொந்தமில்லை...

Safe sector - Pharma

Nothing is safe ...if you are not maintaining s/l...

Dr Reddy .... pant removed today nicely... if anyone played without s/l..

டாக்டர் ரெட்டி நல்ல கம்பெனி....

Why put moved sharply today ?

Check the reference points of India Vix and put option chart.....


Sishyan Says


India vix reference points are 14.42 and 10.08....

34900 put encashed

Check...white/red sheet at your end...

The day is over.......

As told yesterday......👇👇👇👇👇👇👇



We have another 2 days for settlement.....still we have 120 points premium...

Don't take any positional / overnight trades... no use...

Also....don't fix call or put...

Go according to the price action next three days...

Both put and call option may give doubling opportunity...

My target is in simple terms 25% to 35% ...... consistency is key....

So... open mind...we should approach the market next three days...

Monday, July 26, 2021


We have another 2 days for settlement.....still we have 120 points premium...

Don't take any positional / overnight trades... no use...

Also....don't fix call or put...

Go according to the price action next three days...

Both put and call option may give doubling opportunity...

My target is in simple terms 25% to 35% ...... consistency is key....

So... open mind...we should approach the market next three days...



No holdings....


Intraday option players .... based on news / sgx nifty....bla...bla....

Market move is right.......this is perfect settlement move.... 

My reference point 212....

The Day is over

No more entries from my side...the day is over....

Moving for "Tomchi" session...

Will catch you after 2 o clock.....