Monday, September 30, 2019

Yes Bank

Yes Bank...

Target..... 22.30.....


Take care.....this is as per chart.....

LT Finance

LT Finance looking weak.....downside level visible 60 as per chart...

Avoid investment.... check at your end...


Tomorrow Bank nifty....if gap down.....i prefer reversal....buying...

Take care..

Sunday, September 29, 2019


My first choice....concentrate on put option..

If level confirms...then may enter...

or and go home..

Saturday, September 28, 2019


Nifty 11300 call is suggesting....correction is visible at this juncture....

Avoid positional longs...

Friday, September 27, 2019


Good trade punit...  he says next level 3847.....below 3912...


No trade... (Nifty is holding above 11569 short...

Just watching...

Reliance - Hot

Hero is running with the position...

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Real time Data Feed

Yes Bank

Yesbank chart level shows downside......23.40......will it  hit..?

Message is ..... yes bank... avoid and no bottom fishing....

Index Long Holders


Made high 454.4...not hit our selling order 461...

My take is ... waiting for sell..... (no buy as long as not trading above 461)..



11300 call october 461...saturation level.....

Read the chart and do your analysis...


Hindunilever validated the last level....short trade...


We need some entertainment... 

Hindunilever is falling from "Hindunilever October future sell near 2068 with s/l 2087"....

Atleast we have one comedian.... to entertain us...

Hero on Reliance

Hero is riding.... Reliance...


11300 call october 461...saturation level.....

Read the chart and do your analysis...

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Check 11300 october call option chart and do analysis..

This is first hint from Sheetal...

Hind Unilever

Hind Unilever is in my hit list....

Let us sell at the top.....

May be tomorrow or day after tomorrow...

Negative Thoughts

எதிர்மறையான கருத்து...

"எதை கொண்டுவந்தாய்... எதை இழப்பதற்கு......"   என்ற வாசகம்..

இதை சொல்வதே ஒரு எதிர்மறை....

Congrats Punit

Indore hero 1st round finished....

Risk reward hero...... nifty sold at 11514....exited at 11463...

Again hero is planning for short....

Risk always rewards...

Congrats Dear...


Our Indore....hero started his activity.....


My view ... same.... sell on rally...

Waiting for the sequence......Sheetal says...price not moved into sequencial reversal...

Waiting.... waiting... waiting...

But for sure...sell on rally confirmed...

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


My take...will wait for sell..

As such no entry or sequence at our end....waiting for  confirmation....

Also...waiting for ourlady Sheetal's level...


Index avoid longs...

Check hangout...will post my details / analysis... based on Sheetal observation... be connected..

Monday, September 23, 2019


Avoid Longs......

#OMG !!

  1. Rahul Gandhi is an idiot, and Modi is a fraud. What India needs is a kind of French Revolution

Ware wah

For (rich) citizens..petrol price increased.... 

For (poor)  corporate people tax reduced...

Enjoy.... Enjoy... Enjoy..... 


Index call option 10500 top saturation point 1041.60..... check at your end..

10500 call top validated....avoid longs now...

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Thanks to Mr.R.Srinivasan....shared the information...

Thanks Sheetal for your videos...

30th August 2019.....last entry call option (already posted) video...

20th September 2019.....yesterday ......10900 call option..

Excellent sheetal.... my sincere appreiciation for your patience with (implementing) same logic again and again....keep it up... you rocks....

Bank Nifty Swing

Nifty Swing

Today Peace Day....

"Today peace faces a new danger: the climate emergency, which threatens our security, our livelihoods and our lives. That is why it is the focus of this year’s International Day of Peace. And it’s why I am convening a Climate Action Summit." — UN Secretary-General António Guterres

இவனுங்களே காட்டையும் / இயற்கையையும் அழிப்பானுங்களாம்.... அப்புறம் இவனுங்களே கும்பலா கூடி பேசுவானுங்களாம்.... நல்லா இருக்குடா இந்த விளையாட்டு....

Friday, September 20, 2019


The total revenue foregone by Govt over last week is 1.45 lac crores in tax reliefs to corporates announced now + 50,0000 crore is export credits given away earlier. So in all, about 1.95 lac crores of revenue has been given away by @nsitharaman - about 1% of GDP.


What Changed ?

RBI gave 1.75 lakh cr

Passed on to Corporate 1.50 lakh cr....

What we common people will get..... petrol price may be increased by 3 Rs..... enjoy....

Four Jokers

Standing in a park....and discussing...

Index today


No short....for the day...

Today Lesson

Today lesson..
Morning level suggested Index No short....
My morning post


No short....for the day...


In the meantime, we tried reversal trade in 10800 put option entered at 54 and exited at 39...with 15 point loss....(based on support)...

Once s/l has been taken out.... we entered the call option 1st trade and encahsed 60 points....then again 11400 call entered at 47 and exited at 76...

Finally ended with Plus..not trapped...

Lesson : Go with the is superior....

Dr Reddy

Good analysis punit....Dr.Reddy hit the target...perfect..

Perfect 2nd Round

11400 call 47 to 76.....


Nirmala Tai Rocking


Next target 76.......check hangout....

11200 call validated 148

Again...we keep 11200 call buy near at 72 with s/l 53.....

11200 call

Now keep 11200 call s/l near to cost 61....or trailing s/l with target 148...

Take care...

Excellent Rally

10800 Put S/l Hit...

First time in a decade..... 500 point rally.... upside in  a day...

10800 Put

Today opportunity....10800 put 54 is reversal area ...with strict s/l 42 (15minutes candle) at 128.30


No short....for the day...

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Zeel looking weak.....

Any rally sold into....

Press Meet

நீ பழனிக்கே பால்காவடி எடுத்தாலும் ஒரு அடி நகராது...

Reliance Capital and Reliance Infra

Both wealth creators are looking further weak as per chart...

As per chart....may test Rs.8 sooner or later...

Reliance Infra & Reliance Capital.... longterm investors mind voice...

எதை கொண்டுவந்தாய்... எதை இழப்பதற்கு.... போனால் போகட்டும் போடா.... 

Bulls Today.... (செவல.... தாவுடா.... தாவு..... (எங்க தாவுறது)...)

(செவல.... தாவுடா.... தாவு..... (எங்க தாவுறது)...)

Bank Nifty 27600 Call hit 63.20

Bank Nifty 27600 call sold at 114......exited at 63.20...

Good analysis......

Petrol Price ?

Petrol price not yet increased (expected 5 rupess increase)...... any reason...?

FII's mind voice....

If any increase.... nifty....another 400 points down.....


Don't worry

No mathematics works.....

In 2024.... farmers income double..... everyone will get toilet..... economy double... வீட்டிற்கு ஒரு காவி வேட்டி... காவி சட்டை..

காவிரி நதி , நைல் நதியோடு இணைக்கப்படும்..
இமயமலை மேற்கு தொடர்ச்சி மலையோடு இணைக்கப்படும்.

Bank Nifty 27000 call

Bank Nifty 27000 call reached 79....

Y'day post



Index....sell on rally...

Bank Nifty 27000 call suggesting sell on rally..

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

இரண்டு நிபுணர்கள் 😂😂

Fed Meet

Today FED meet..... (இருக்கிற பிரச்சனைல இவனுங்க வேற....)
Expected 0.25 rate cut...factored in.....
அக்மார்க் வியாபாரி "Trump " vs "Powell " ... கட்டிப்புடி சண்டை ஆரம்பம்...
Higher level S & P may fall...

Bank Nifty 27300 call

Bank Nifty 27300 call option support 71...             reversal point...with 15 minutes candle closing basis s/l 42... cmp 139...

Take care....

ஒரு சொல் ஒரு செயல்.

Next Surprise

LIChsg finance.... avoid buying.....

😂 😂 😂 😂



Index....sell on rally...

Bank Nifty 27000 call suggesting sell on rally..

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Straight drive from 10993 to 10811...

Now ... just hang on... and wait for trend...

FII's needs action...not lectures...

பிறப்பொக்கும் எல்லா உயிர்க்கும்

இன்றைக்கு நம் பிள்ளைகளுக்கு சொல்லிக்கொடுக்க வேண்டியவைகள்... 

நம்மைவிட எவனும் உயர்ந்தவன் இல்லை என்பதை நிலை நிறுத்துங்கள்..

நான் உயர்ந்தவன் என்று எவனாவது சொன்னால்..... உலகிலேயே  கேடு கெட்டவன் அவன் மட்டுமே என்பதை உணர்ந்து கொள்...

எவனையும்   தோளில் சுமக்காதீர்கள்...

பக்தியின் வழியில் எவனுக்கும் மரியாதை கொடுக்காதே...

எவனுக்காகவும் உங்கள் கலாச்சாரத்தை விட்டுக்கொடுக்காதீர்கள்...

மனிதனை மனிதனாக மதிக்காதவனை மதிக்காதீர்கள்...

நம் வழி  "பிறப்பொக்கும் எல்லா உயிர்க்கும்"...


 Pinned Tweet
When you don't understand the of the economic slowdown, the words stumble and reasoning becomes feeble. If someone thinks that maths doesn't help understanding gravity and economics, then it's a sign that you are hiding the actual statistical data. Newton must be smiling


"Time is more important than price. When time is up price will reverse."
- W. D. Gann

Today timing is perfect with price..... nifty fall as expected...

LIC Housing Finance

Next reliance capital way...

CMP 395....... near term ... we can see 298......

Every rally sell LIChsg Finance...

வாடா என் செல்லம் 

Bank Nifty hit 27407

Bank Nifty Chart now...

மூளை நல்ல வேலை செய்யணும்னா .....  சத்தான சிக்கன் பிரியாணி / மட்டன் பிரியாணி சாப்பிடுவோம்...    சாப்பிட்டவுடன்... நன்றாக கோமியத்தில் கைகழுவுவோம் ....

Morning Post

Today Index

Today bank nifty chart is self explanatory...

Bank Nifty 27500 Put Hit 183

 • 12:02 AM
27500 put buy ..... lot at 117
keep target 183
10:10 AM